Functional Cookies
Which company places the cookie | Type and name cookie | Purposes cookie | Storage period cookie | Consequences if cookie is not accepted |
HAL Allergy | cmplz_preferences | This is the opt-out cookie that stores the value "allow" or "deny," depending on the decision made regarding the use of cookies. | 1 year | If this cookie is removed, your choice is removed and you will be asked again for your permission the next time you visit the website. |
HAL Allergy | cmplz_policy_id cmplz_functional cmplz_banner-status cmplz_marketing cmplz_consented_services cmplz_services | These cookies store the information regarding users' decisions in the cookie banner. | 1 year | If this cookie is removed, your choice is removed and you will be asked again for your permission the next time you visit the website. |
HAL Allergy | wordfence_verifiedHuman: Firewall-Plugin Wordfence | This cookie is used for user and website security. | Duration of the session | You cannot visit the website without this cookie. |
HAL Allergy | wfwaf-authcookie: Firewall-Plugin Wordfence | This cookie is a security plugin that is used to prevent attacks. | 1 day | You cannot visit our website without this cookie. |
HAL Allergy | wfvt_: Wordfence Security Plugin | This cookie is a security plugin that is used to prevent attacks. | Duration of the session | The contact form does not remember previous inserted information |
HAL Allergy | wp-saving-post: WordPress Plugin | This cookie is used to utomatically save editor changes. | 1 day | No influence on visitor’s behaviour on the website. |
HAL Allergy | wp-settings: WordPress Plugin | This cookie is used for the identification of the website editor. | 1 year | No influence on visitor’s behaviour on the website. |
HAL Allergy | wp-settings-time: WordPress Plugin | This cookie is used for the identification of the website editor. | 1 year | No influence on visitor’s behaviour on the website. |
Analytical Cookies
Which company places the cookie | Type and name cookie | Purposes cookie | Storage period cookie | Consequences if cookie is not accepted |
Google Inc. | __ga: Google Analytics Plugin | This cookie is used to distinguish users. | 2 years | Analysis of visitor behaviour is not possible. |
Google Inc. | __gid: Google Analytics Plugin | This cookie is used to distinguish users and sessions. | 1 day | Anonymous analysis of visitor behaviour is not possible. |
Google Inc. | __gat: Google Captcha Plugin | This cookie is used for anonymous analysis of visitor behaviour. | 1 day | Anonymous analysis of visitor behaviour is not possible. |
Google Inc. | _dc_gtm_: Google Tag Manager Plug-In | This cookie is used for anonymous analysis of visitor behaviour. | Duration of the session | Anonymous analysis of visitor behaviour is not possible. |
WordPress | gadwp_wg_default_swmetric: WordPress Plugin | This cookie is used to collect visitor statistics. | Duration of the session | Anonymous analysis of visitor behaviour is not possible. |
WordPress | gadwp_wg_default_metric: WordPress Plugin | This cookie is used to collect visitor statistics. | Duration of the session | Anonym analysis of visitor behaviour is not possible. | | _drip_client: drip Plugin | This cookie is used for anonymous analysis of visitor behaviour | 2 years | Anonymous analysis of visitor behaviour is not possible. |